


At Open Hearing Solutions Paisley Hearing Centre, we always try to offer our customers the latest and best hearing aid technology to meet their individual needs.

At present, one of our most popular hearing aids is the MOMENT range of hearing devices, offered by the WIDEX hearing aid manufacturer.

Widex are one of the worlds most advanced hearing aid manufacturers and always offer a range of products with fantastic sound quality.

Launched in 2020, the MOMENT hearing range continues this legacy.

Coming in a range of styles and technology levels, the Widex MOMENT hearing aid range offers the ZeroDelay digital signal processing system – which helps provide unrivalled sound quality in all environments.

Available in a full range of sizes, from Micro CIC to BTE, with a small and discreet rechargeable RIC option, you can be sure that, as well as outstanding sound quality, your MOMENT hearing aids will look the part as well!

Please click on the link below to see Dr Cliff’s review of the new WIDEX MOMENT range:

OPEN During COVID Restrictions

With the announcement of new ‘Level 4’ restrictions in West and Central Scotland, due to come into effect on 20th November, people may feel confused about what they can do about their hearing health.

We at Open Hearing Solutions are pleased to inform you that we are allowed to continue practicing during the lockdown period. Audiologists are classed as ‘Essential Workers’, which means we are allowed to see patients in the current circumstances.

ALL wax removal and hearing consultations are carried out in a COVID-secure environment, with all surfaces being cleaned before an after any consultations.

Full PPE protection is used, and again this is completely changed between client visits.

For wax removal and hearing assessment home visits, again full PPE protection is worn. This is put on when leaving the vehicle, and is disposed of before re-entering the vehicle.

We at Open Hearing Solutions want you to be safe and well during this trying period. Therefore, we are determined to ensure your safety when seeing our consultants. We understand that some people will wish to postpone appointments in the next few weeks. We understand – just give us a call on 0800 059 9230 and we will rearrange your appointment.


Starkey Livio Hearing Aids

Including the worlds FIRST rechargeable In-The-Ear hearing aids!

In 2020 Starkey Introduced their new Livio range of hearing aids, building on their existing cutting-edge technology and design. Included in this range is the worlds first rechargeable In-The-Ear hearing aids!

As one of the worlds largest hearing aid companies, Starkey have always been at the forefront of product design and innovation. With the new Livio rechargeable range, they have moved to the front of the queue on offering the best products to my customers.

Boasting fantastic design and technology, the Livio R ITE range means that even people that have issues with using hearing aids can take advantage of the latest in hearing aid technology.

With a magnetic charging unit for the ITE range, it is actually more difficult to NOT charge their new hearing aids than to charge them!

This means that people with visual or physical impairments can use their aids with less requirement on assistance from care givers.

The AI option also allows the aids to provide a healthcare element to their function – for example, alerting caregivers if the hearing aids have detected a ‘fall’ by the wearer. This provides added peace of mind for the wearers family, associates, etc.

The Livio Edge AI can even translate languages!

These hearing aids are a real game-changer, and open up a whole new option for new and existing hearing aid users. They come in a variety of styles and technology levels, and allow more people to benefit from the gift of better hearing.

Here’s Dr Cliffs in-depth review of the Starkey Livio range:

For more information on the Starkey Livio range of hearing aids, or to arrange a free trial of any of our products, contact us on 0800 059 9230 or go to for a FREE consultation!

New Hearing Aids – Worth The Money?

Even during lockdown, hearing aid technology moves on…

In the last 2 months, two of the worlds largest hearing aid manufacturers have introduced new product ranges, providing even more improvements in sound quality and functionality.

I have been fortunate to have fitted among the first of the new hearing aid ranges in the UK, and can now provide my opinion on whether they provide any improvements on already high-quality products…

New Widex Moment Rechargeable Receiver In The Ear hearing aids


First, we have the new Widex Moment range of hearing aids.

Widex have always had a reputation for a very natural sound quality in their hearing aids, and the new Moment range improves upon this reputation.

With one of the fastest processers in hearing aid technology, there is almost no ‘lag’ in the sound going in, to the sound coming out. This ‘lag’ is one of the reasons that some people, especially with milder losses, find it difficult to ‘acclimatise’ to amplification.

I have fitted the new moment range to an experienced Widex user, and a client that has not been able to adapt to hearing aids in the past.

The existing user describes the new Moment aids as ‘a real improvement in sound quality – even better than I expected!’; the new user has now been using their aids for 1 month, with no adaptation issues.

For more information on the Widex Moment range, click here.

The new Starkey Livio and Livio Edge AI Ranges


Starkey Technologies have added to their existing award-winnig Livio range of hearing aids with Livio Edge AI range, introducing even better features and introducing the worlds first RECHARGEABLE IN-THE-EAR hearing systems. these aids also benefit from the Starkey Thrive Hearing Control app, which can be used to control the aids, but also has advanced monitoring capabilities, to assist with remote care, and which can even be used as an exercise tool!

I fitted the first set of Livio 2400 AI rechargeable In-The-Ear hearing aids to a client that has recently been using the previous top-of-the-range Starkey product (Muse 2400). This client has dexterity issues, and was keen to try aids that did not require battery changes.

After 3 weeks usage, the client is delighted with his new aids. Not only does he find the rechargeable option of great help, but he is also aware of an improvement in the sound quality.

For more information on the Starkey Livio Edge AI range of products, click here.



So, the fundamental question is – should I try the new hearing aid ranges?

I would say a resounding YES. I have always stressed that you should only look to upgrade your hearing aids w.hen there is a proveable improvement in what has come before.

With the new Moment and Livio Edge ranges, I can say that improvement is now possible in the majority of cases.

For new hearing aid users, or people with milder losses, I would definitely suggest the Widex Moment range of aids. These products remove most of the issues associated with wearing hearing aids for the first time, especially for milder losses.

For clients that are looking for advanced app-friendly features, or for advanced recharging options, I would recommend the Starkey Livio Edge ranges. These products are at the cutting edge of health technology, and can be used for a variety of purposes, for every age-group.

For a FREE trial of the Widex Moment or Starkey Livio Edge products, or to discuss any other hearing issues, contact me on 0800 059 9230, or email me at

I look forward to hearing from you!

Craig Gallacher, Founder, Open Hearing Solutions

CROS Hearing Systems

Hearing Aids For Single-sided Deafness and Asymmetric Losses

At the Paisley Hearing Centre, I have recently seen a number of clients that have presented with single-sided deafness.

These types of hearing loss can be very frustrating for the sufferer, as they are unable to obtain easy results through normal hearing aid usage.


One of the major problems with single-sided deafness is that you lose your ability to LOCALISE – i.e. locate where sounds are originating.

Your brain uses minute differences in sound level timing between both ears to locate the position of a sound source.

In complex environments (e.g. a bar or restaurant), this allows us to work out which sounds we wish to hear, and which we can choose to ignore. We can therefore focus on the relevant sounds, increasing our ability to hear them.

With only one functioning ear, the brain only obtains all sounds on the undamaged side, which means you cannot easily locate the sound sources, and ignore / focus on what you may find relevant.


CROS aids try to allow the user to identify sounds from either side.

A CROS solution consists of:

• A transmitter with a microphone that wirelessly transmits the sound from the poorer ear to the better ear.

• A hearing aid that picks up the sound and plays it in the better ear.

Because it picks up sounds on your deaf side, CROS systems help you hear all the sounds around you. That means that you can listen to sounds from your deaf side without turning your head, enabling you to feel part of the full sound picture.

Should you suffer from single-sided deafness, or have an asymmetric hearing loss, why not contact Open Hearing Solutions at our Paisley Hearing Centre, or our Killearn Hearing Clinic, and arrange a consultation and FREE TRIAL.

Either book via, or call us on 0800 059 9230 for further information.


Hearing Aid Warranties and Insurance


Dogs LOVE hearing aids.

This can be a problem, as they will quickly chew a hearing aid to pieces if they can get a hold of one!

After purchasing a hearing aid system, people often do not consider what will happen if anything goes wrong with it. It is, however, something that should be considered from the moment you decide to purchase.

Most hearing manufacturers offer a 2-year Manufacturers Warranty. This can often be increased by paying an additional sum, usually up to a period of 5 years.

A Manufacturers Warranty will cover any faults that occur due to an issue relating to the making of a hearing aid. However, it will NOT cover other problems, including loss and ‘Malicious Damage’.

‘Malicious Damage’ includes aids damaged by water, broken aids (either by standing on or pets chewing), or anything else that is not a general manufacturing issue (I once had someone try to dry out their hearing aids in the oven – they turned into 2 plastic puddles!).


When supplying a new hearing aid system, I always recommend that you take out the longest warranty available from the manufacturer. All it takes is one repair, and you have saved money.

I also strongly recommend that you insure your hearing system via Home and Contents Insurance. Most insurers will not actually charge you to add the aids to your policy – most will add them to your ‘named items’ section, which covers higher value items within your normal policy.

This means that – should Fido get a hold of your hearing aids – you won’t find yourself in the dog-house for having to purchase replacements!

For further information on warranties, or on any hearing issues, please contact me at, or call me on 0800 059 9230.​

Why Microsuction Is The Best Form Of Ear Wax Removal

Ears feeling blocked?

Feeling dizzy?

Hearing aids not functioning well?

Your ear canals may be blocked with wax.

Ear wax can cause a number of issues, and can limit your hearing ability if not removed. However, trying to arrange safe removal is actually a lot more difficult than it used to be.

Why Won’t My Doctor Remove Ear Wax?

This is because new clinical guidlines released by NICE (the National Institure for Clinical Excellence) reccommended that ears should no longer be syringed, due to possible complications, including eardrum perforations and tinnitus (

This means that people can find it difficult to obtain the relief they require quickly, often requiring a referral to the local Ear Nose and Throat department – then having to wait months for a simple procedure!

At Open Hearing Solution Paisley Hearing Centre, we carry out wax removal by microsuction. This is the same method carried out in ENT departments throughout the country, and allows for the clearing of ear canals in a safe and hygenic manner.

Microsuction Procedure

Microsuction Procedure (thanks to the Hearing Lab for image!)

The procedure involves the insertion of a cone into the ear canal, and a probe connected to a medical hoover simply sucks the material from the ear.


Well, not quite. This procedure must only be performed by a qualified professional.

With over 15 years experience in both private and clinical Audiology, working in Audiology and ENT departments throughout the country, I have extensive experience in performing microsuction on even the most awkward of cases.

In most cases, ear wax is removed in 5-10 minutes, with no adverse side-effects. Even impacted wax can be removed at one appointment, and oil or drops need only be used for 1 or 2 days.

Contact Us For Advice / Appointment

If you’re bothered with ear wax, or feel that there may be an issue of any kind with your ears or hearing, contact us on 0800 059 9230, email at, or book an online appointment at for a impartial consultation.


Open Hearing Solutions Blog


As I am in the process of establishing my new Hearing Centre in Paisley, I thought I should take the opportunity to say hello to you!

My name is CRAIG GALLACHER, the owner of OPEN HEARING SOLUTIONS and I am a Hearing Aid Dispenser.


A Hearing Aid Dispenser (HAD) is the name of a person qualified to provide private hearing care. They may or may not have clinical Audiology experience, which usually means they have worked in the NHS.


It depends who you ask! A HAD would say NO, and Audiologist would say YES!

Audiologists will usually have greater experience in working with complex cases via NHS referrals, as HAD’s are required by law to refer clients to a GP or ENT department if a clients case presents certain issues that requires a medical opinion. This means that they are more likely to have come across a larger group of patients with specific needs, and have more experience in offering a solution to an individual problem.

However, HAD’s usually work with the latest hearing aid technology, have been trained on the latest fitting strategies, and offer a far more comprehensive range of options for your individual hearing needs.


I have combined more than 15 years experience of working in both private Hearing Care and clinical Audiology.

Since qualifying in 2002, I have worked in Audiology and ENT Departments throughout the UK (I still provide occasional services to Audiology and ENT).

During this period, I have also provided private Hearing Care, providing consultancy services to clients and organisations throughout the country. I have customers as far away as the Western Isles and Cumbria, and offer a personal service to each and every one of my private clients.

At the last count, I worked out that I have fitted over 12,000 hearing aids!

I also spent 5 years working for the worlds largest hearing aid manufacturer, and experienced at first-hand the level of research and technical development involved in designing and manufacturing hearing solutions.

This level of experience ensures that I can offer a unique service to my clients, taking my experience of working with some of the most challenging Audiology cases in the country, and providing personal solutions using state-of-the art products, with an expert understanding of the research and ideas behind the technology used.

I have now opened my first dedicated Hearing Centre, at 3 Mirren Court, Paisley. My clinic consists of customised Audiology and Microsuction Suites which allow me to match and exceed the levels of care offered at NHS departments, offering services such as Speech Tests and Speech In Noise Tests, on top of basic hearing tests, and Real Ear Measurement calibrated hearing aid fittings (the universal standard in hearing aid fittings).
Should you have any questions about ANY hearing issue, or wish to arrange an appointment for any of the services I provide, feel free to contact me at, visit my website at, or give me a call on 0800 059 9230.