Even during lockdown, hearing aid technology moves on…
In the last 2 months, two of the worlds largest hearing aid manufacturers have introduced new product ranges, providing even more improvements in sound quality and functionality.
I have been fortunate to have fitted among the first of the new hearing aid ranges in the UK, and can now provide my opinion on whether they provide any improvements on already high-quality products…

First, we have the new Widex Moment range of hearing aids.
Widex have always had a reputation for a very natural sound quality in their hearing aids, and the new Moment range improves upon this reputation.
With one of the fastest processers in hearing aid technology, there is almost no ‘lag’ in the sound going in, to the sound coming out. This ‘lag’ is one of the reasons that some people, especially with milder losses, find it difficult to ‘acclimatise’ to amplification.
I have fitted the new moment range to an experienced Widex user, and a client that has not been able to adapt to hearing aids in the past.
The existing user describes the new Moment aids as ‘a real improvement in sound quality – even better than I expected!’; the new user has now been using their aids for 1 month, with no adaptation issues.
For more information on the Widex Moment range, click here.

Starkey Technologies have added to their existing award-winnig Livio range of hearing aids with Livio Edge AI range, introducing even better features and introducing the worlds first RECHARGEABLE IN-THE-EAR hearing systems. these aids also benefit from the Starkey Thrive Hearing Control app, which can be used to control the aids, but also has advanced monitoring capabilities, to assist with remote care, and which can even be used as an exercise tool!
I fitted the first set of Livio 2400 AI rechargeable In-The-Ear hearing aids to a client that has recently been using the previous top-of-the-range Starkey product (Muse 2400). This client has dexterity issues, and was keen to try aids that did not require battery changes.
After 3 weeks usage, the client is delighted with his new aids. Not only does he find the rechargeable option of great help, but he is also aware of an improvement in the sound quality.
For more information on the Starkey Livio Edge AI range of products, click here.
So, the fundamental question is – should I try the new hearing aid ranges?
I would say a resounding YES. I have always stressed that you should only look to upgrade your hearing aids w.hen there is a proveable improvement in what has come before.
With the new Moment and Livio Edge ranges, I can say that improvement is now possible in the majority of cases.
For new hearing aid users, or people with milder losses, I would definitely suggest the Widex Moment range of aids. These products remove most of the issues associated with wearing hearing aids for the first time, especially for milder losses.
For clients that are looking for advanced app-friendly features, or for advanced recharging options, I would recommend the Starkey Livio Edge ranges. These products are at the cutting edge of health technology, and can be used for a variety of purposes, for every age-group.
For a FREE trial of the Widex Moment or Starkey Livio Edge products, or to discuss any other hearing issues, contact me on 0800 059 9230, or email me at cg@openhearing.scot
I look forward to hearing from you!
Craig Gallacher, Founder, Open Hearing Solutions