Hearing Aid Warranties and Insurance


Dogs LOVE hearing aids.

This can be a problem, as they will quickly chew a hearing aid to pieces if they can get a hold of one!

After purchasing a hearing aid system, people often do not consider what will happen if anything goes wrong with it. It is, however, something that should be considered from the moment you decide to purchase.

Most hearing manufacturers offer a 2-year Manufacturers Warranty. This can often be increased by paying an additional sum, usually up to a period of 5 years.

A Manufacturers Warranty will cover any faults that occur due to an issue relating to the making of a hearing aid. However, it will NOT cover other problems, including loss and ‘Malicious Damage’.

‘Malicious Damage’ includes aids damaged by water, broken aids (either by standing on or pets chewing), or anything else that is not a general manufacturing issue (I once had someone try to dry out their hearing aids in the oven – they turned into 2 plastic puddles!).


When supplying a new hearing aid system, I always recommend that you take out the longest warranty available from the manufacturer. All it takes is one repair, and you have saved money.

I also strongly recommend that you insure your hearing system via Home and Contents Insurance. Most insurers will not actually charge you to add the aids to your policy – most will add them to your ‘named items’ section, which covers higher value items within your normal policy.

This means that – should Fido get a hold of your hearing aids – you won’t find yourself in the dog-house for having to purchase replacements!

For further information on warranties, or on any hearing issues, please contact me at cg@openhearing.scot, or call me on 0800 059 9230.​

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I attended a few hearing aid suppliers to upgrade my existing hearing aid to compare services. Most companies tried to tell me what I should have. Only open hearing solutions actually listened to what I wanted.
I booked a wax removal appointment online and was seen within two days. The options were clearly explained to me, and the procedure took less than ten minutes. Can now hear clearly, with no discomfort.
Stephanie let me try different styles of hearing aids until I found the one that suited me best. I've never felt better about wearing my hearing aids!
Compared with previous experiences through the NHS, this is well worth the money.
I am housebound and registered blind, so rely on my hearing aids. Open Hearing Solutions always make the effort to come to me, and make sure my hearing aids are always working properly.
Kind, patient and expert advice. Would highly recommend.