Hearing Aids

There are a large number of different options available to those that require them, including styles and technology levels. Often the choice can be very confusing, and you may find it overwhelming to make the correct decision.

At Open Hearing Solutions, we aim to help make your decision as easy as possible, matching the style and technology to your individual requirements.

Our prices are clear cut (see below), so that you can compare with other company’s quotations, and in most cases our prices will be cheaper – especially against Specsavers and Boots! In the event that you receive a cheaper quotation for the same hearing aid system, we aim to beat it by £50*

If you wish any further information on wireless hearing accessories, please contact us at info@openhearing.scot

Invisible in the canal (IIC) / completely in the canal (CIC) aids

IIC and CIC aids are the smallest aids that can possibly be manufactured, offering the ultimate discreet hearing solution. They fit a limited range of hearing losses, and can be difficult to use for people with dexterity problems.

In the canal (ITC) aids

These aids are slightly larger, which means they may be more visible. They can fit a larger range of hearing losses, and can be more appropriate for people with handling issues. Styles include ITC, half-shell, and full-shell options.

Receiver in the ear (RITE/RIC) aids

The most modern style of hearing aid, a small unit sits at the top of the ear, and the receiver section sits in the ear canal, with a fine wire connecting both parts. This aid can be fitted to most hearing losses, and provides a highly discreet and comfortable hearing solution.

Behind the ear (BTE) aids

Still used for the most severe of hearing losses. A larger hearing unit sits behind the ear, and a solid mould allows sound to travel into the ear canal. This style of hearing aid is typically associated with the NHS range of hearing aids.

Wireless hearing accessories

Most modern hearing systems allow wireless integration with mobile phones and specialist accessories to assist with external appliances, for example TV’s and land-line telephones. This equipment is usually manufacturer specific – equipment will only usually work with specific hearing systems, but can often work with NHS systems.

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